Sharper Image SI-327 Manuel d'instructions

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030ll13NI ION
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Page 1 - 030ll13NI ION

.mal 030ll13NI ION pew @epnlW! IOU) JeA!JWM3S Ssat3/€dllll4d gm 'O vv/fyl muu~tnu m~wuva 31m I +x 1-1 A

Page 2 -

GflmE mODE DlRECTlOIIS The Game mode is somewhat more advanced than Companion mode. In this mode, you and your friends can play four fun games wit

Page 3 - Congratulations!

COlllllltlflD IIlODE DlRECTIOnS The Command mode is the most advanced of the three modes. It involves directing R2's movements and navigating

Page 4

Programming Courses: You can also program and store a series of commands and ask R2 to e~ecute the series all at once. To do this, say "Hey


~2 on Ha olun "STRODBY" SETTIOG: 1.1 R2 will automatically revert to his battery-conserving "Standbf setting if he is unable to fi

Page 6

I USlll& 1-02's Inlergalac~ic Beverage holderis I 1.1 Open door. 2.1 Sluing dolun utility arm. 3.1 Open clamp and place beverage container [

Page 7 - "Hey

TECH SPECS Industrial flutomaten has adjusted your R2 unit with many new features and functions for use on Earth. 1. nflVlGtlllOn SEnSORS [WITH SOUn

Page 8

Important note: The treads on R2-D2's steering legs can navigate floors and most carpeting. Ule strongly recommend you use R2-D2 indoors only.

Page 9 - .?"

TM Ouick Reference Guide below 77" F d lips 6 Tricks on Holu to Use Yon Interactive R2-D2 Robot Pouering Up 1. Ensure R2 is assembled and batt

Page 11 - Real-Time maneuvering:

Introduction ... Rssembly and Batteries ... Begin Operation ... Getting Started. ... Detailed Des

Page 12 - Programming Courses:

Congratulations! You are a proud owner of R2-02, an R2-series astromech utility droid from Industrial Rutomaton, the galants finest maker of servic


R2-02 luill be ready for action alter the follouring power up procedures:

Page 14 - 1-02's

I~STBLLI~~ BIIITERIES: 1.) Use a Phillips screwdriver to loosen the two captive screws that secure the battery door in back, and remove the door. 2.

Page 15

POWERIIIG UP: 1.1 Flip the switch located in the bottom back of the unit to power up your R2 unit. 2.) R2-02 will automatically calibrate his head

Page 16 - Important

flow, here's where the fun really begins - your utility droid is powered up and ready for action! QUICK cornminos: If you want to begin playin

Page 17 - Ouick Reference Guide

R2-D2 has three major function modes: 1.1 compinlon mOOE [Pages 7-81 2.1 GRmE mODE [Page 81 3.1 COmmllnD IIIODE (Pages 10 - 11) Within each of

Page 18

4 Say: "Hey, R2! Behave yourself" When R2 gets in a bad mood, his mood status indicator light turns red and he may not respond to your co

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