Sharper Image CA900 Manuel d'utilisateur

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CA800 Chest sling
CA900 Transport sling
User instructions
CA800 CA900
CA 800 Chest Sling
For standing only
Ensure that the guiding handles and identification
label are on the outside and place the sling down
the back of the client.
Check the sling is equal and square.
Close the Velcro belt and
apply hook Velcro to belt.
Close belt so it is
The additional belt with
buckle can now be closed.
This belt can be adjusted by
pulling the end of strap.
Attach straps to hoist, the
shortest loop will achieve a
more upright standing
The CA800 Chest Sling is suitable for those clients who
have a degree of weight bearing ability. It is designed to
assist the client to stand.
For seat to seat transfer only
Apply the sling in the same way as CA 800.
Raise and support the clients leg one at a time and carefully feed the leg strap underneath and up between both legs.
Ensure that the sling is not twisted or creased under the thighs and check that both leg straps are equal in length. Cross the leg straps
Apply the leg straps on longest loop and the shoulder on a suitable loop to determine the clients posture. The shorter the shoulder loop
the more upright you will sit.
It is encouraged that the user keeps both arms on the outside of sling.
Start raising the hoist until the sling fits tightly around the back. Then tighten the adjustable belt with buckle around the waist. Ensure
there is no discomfort.
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Résumé du contenu

Page 1 - User instructions

CA800 Chest sling CA900 Transport sling User instructions CA800

Page 2 - Parachute 200kg

General external wear In normal use this is unavoidable and is shown by fluffiness to the surface fibres. This is harmless unless it becomes too e

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